Friday, December 12, 2008

Are we evolving?

I have had this wondering since a long time now. I asked the same question from my science teacher when I was in my ninth grade in school. The answer, if I remember correct was - Yes, definitely we are. But you know, kid, its a very slow process. We, the homo sapiens sapiens, are the ongoing product of the continual process of variation, reproduction and natural selection which started millions of years ago.

We may be evolving; non-biologically?!
However, I continue to meditate if we really are evolving. Biologically, evolution is defined as "change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift". On this front, I take an equivocal stand; We may not be evolving biologically. On an orthogonal note, we may actually be devolving as we see an upsurge of genetically-prone diseases like diabetes, cancer; the deadly HIV etc. Increase in life expectancy has been exponential; no denials. But do you think its because of a "biological evolution" per se? I, however, do believe that what is really evolving is the environment around is. And technology is the principal vehicle on which we are barging ferociously into the future, may be faster than we should. Ray Kurzweil's statement here would appropriately summarise my stand. We as intelligent beings are making intelligence more intelligent. And I contend that this process is largely non-biological.

Technology is the principal vehicle.
Technology is powerful. Period. We create technology. We also have the ability to enable technology create (evolve) us. A thought-provoking one hour I witnessed today as I heard Kevin Warwick's story of being the First Cyborg (Cybernetic Organism; part human part machine) in the world - "Robots with Biological Brains and Humans with Part Machine Brains". According to his take on technology and evolution, exciting times are nearing us as we ready ourselves for being cyborgs. His research has introduced us to human implants of RFIDs; using technology as a capability-enhancer for blindness, alzheimer's disease etc. Most adrenalizing is the concept of technology to upgrade human capabilities. We are the evolved product of a process which continued (and still does?) for millions of years, but we are still stuck with a not-so-efficient nervous system (!), mortal biological cells (!!) and limited senses in terms of their number and quality of service (!!!).

Non-Biological Evolution is a choice.
One of the most exciting experiments of Kevin Warwick was putting his nervous system online on the internet, and controlling a robotic arm at a physically different place. This was achieved by a neural implant (fotograph of the chip implanted appears in the top left corner of this post) which communicates the biological nerve signals to provide input online to the robotic arm. Even communication between two biological beings (himself and his wife Irena) was successfully accompalished. A small arm movement by himself stimulated a similar movement in his wife's and vice versa. I was able to look further for a moment as he commented that times may be near when you might have the capability of having multiple personalities!

And further these times may be inevitable, for who would want to remain a mere sub-species by being just a "human".

"Humanity can change itself but hopefully it will be an individual choice. Those who want to stay human can and those who want to evolve into something much more powerful with greater capabilities can. There is no way I want to stay a mere human." - Kevin Warwick

Are we prepared to evolve?
There are already concerns about the possible misuse of technology as a capability-upgrader, ethical issues around the same, and the rather dire consequences of mixing-mistake-with-driving whilst heading towards future. If you have read (or heard) Ray Kurzweil, you will understand how this research is a baby step towards the hypothesis - the singularity.

"And ultimately these computers will be in our bodies and it really is one civilization. I object to the word 'Transhumanism' because—or 'Posthumanism'—because it implies we’re going beyond humanity. I think this is the human—maybe 'Postbiological' ultimately—but it's a part of the human civilization. --Ray Kurzweil's response to a question regarding future competition between human- and artificial intelligence. Early 2005 Harvard conference [Source - Ray Kurzweil]

What striked me was Kevin's response to one of the audience question - "How do these sensations feel like?". The answer - 'it was a new sensation.It did not simulate itself in the form of a new smell or sight, rather the brain evolved over time to recognise it as a new sensation.' This implies that the response and training of a biological being to these new implants is highly personalised. As I collect myself and my thoughts about this exciting yet bloodcurdling possibility of future (and the response to the aforementioned question), I do want to pose a question to the researchers in cybernetics -

How much then is the reliability of such new implants? If the response (and well the stimulus too) is going to be so personalized, how then can we be sure that the enhanced capability is actually the enhanced capability that was desirable? If the probability of achieving something but the desired effects is non-zero, should we not re-think before its too late? It is important to think now as what is at stake is the "human"kind. How magnified (dire) will the error rates (if any) be?

I waited further to meet REEM-B, the first humanoid developed in Barcelona. REEM-B has accredited to itself some pretty sophisticated features. Here I made a video of the small presentation introducing REEM-B to the Barcelonites. This fella has been programmed to evolve (learn) over time. That's (baby) technology for you - useful, neat and smart.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Now is the winter of my discontent

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."

And Life is a one man show definitely. All your joys, all your sorrows, all your belongings, all your desires, all your acts are your very own. Yours alone. Period. No one can ever take them away from you. The more you fancy that your friends, or your dear ones will share your griefs, the harder is slap in the face when reality strikes. Sometimes some fellow performers can make it a little smoother for you, but the fact stands irrefutable - you have got to act and duly bow even on the rainy day.

Life is lesson hard to learn. It teaches in its antipathetic ways how to smile when you are totally disheveled. Survive in sheer awe of the miseries life can inflict, living through moments of discomforting impotence, keeping hopes alight through shattering expectations. It tests your patience when you have totally run out of it. And to make it more backbreaking, you are escorted with phonies.

Why is life such a puzzle anyway? What the heck is so well about life when it never ends well? Death is a hideous end to life. Have you ever seen it living in someone's eyes - through your eyes, by the touch of those hands on yours...Its a creepy feeling.

Its such a funny thing. Life is a bitch as I always say but still we want to live. Sometimes I wonder what is the bright side of life, if at all there is?

Life is a paradox. And death is not a prophecy. Though the winter of my discontent is now, the unhappiness shall never be past.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Of Web Feeders and Readers

Technology freaks would know what I am talking about here. Web Feeds and Aggregators(Readers). Using Web Feeds offers the users a convenient non-intrusive access to an aggregated update of the on-goings or updates of your website. At the same time, it also offers you an opportunity to integrate various elements to your website, automatically. Subscribe to blogs, news, website updates, offers; its all made so easy with feeds and readers. Come to think of it, you can theoretically play with it to render a complete web page that only offers "web-content" customized online based on the user-behavior. Its more than the Google ad-sense marketing that I trying to suggest here. Its your behavior that makes the web page render to you meaningful updates and/or content from the other side of the humongous internet repository.

There exist two main standards as far as feeds are concerned - RSS and Atom. Various options exist for burning feeds for your website or blog, but one of the most popular ones is FeedBurner, now acquired by Google. And for readers, of course, there are many players in the market, but Google Reader is one good option.

BTW, now you can subscribe to my blog - either use Google Reader (or some other aggregator) on your machine, else subscribe via email. Its simple. Its safe. Every time I post an entry, you will be notified. And if your are a web-publishing entity, its also a good way to ensure regular and guaranteed traffic to your website ;)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Time's Arrow (The Nature of the Offence) (1991)

Time's Arrow is a great read. Another one of Martin Amis' on my shelf. Its one of the most adrenalizing works that I have encountered.

As you stride though it, and time goes backward, quite many aspects of life seem to be upside down. While others like relationships appear to be the same, whether followed in a backward or forward manner. He touches upon the brutality and the lucidly ignoble acts of inhumanity by the Nazis in a skillful way. Quite aptly said, its the only way, those acts can ever make sense. As you enter the time when he was a German Holocaust Doctor, "THE WORLD IS going to start making sense...", and you witness that "Creation is easy. Its ugly" as men, women and children are gifted a human body in the ovens in those camps and reunited eventually.

Its interesting to see how backward chronology makes some phases of life "make sense" whilst other utterly cynical; few so appealing whilst others damn disgraceful, and yet others remain changeless.

Any memoirs of Adolf Hitler's dream of a race...the third Reich are gruesome (unlike this one). A gripping thought remains - Each of Albert Einstein, MK Gandhi and Adolf Hitler impregnated this world with their everlasting "contributions" about at the same time. Doesn't it resemble the concept of Trinity in Hinduism - the creator, the keeper and the destroyer of life ?

Overall, loved it! :)