Technology freaks would know what I am talking about here. Web Feeds and Aggregators(Readers). Using Web Feeds offers the users a convenient non-intrusive access to an aggregated update of the on-goings or updates of your website. At the same time, it also offers you an opportunity to integrate various elements to your website, automatically. Subscribe to blogs, news, website updates, offers; its all made so easy with feeds and readers. Come to think of it, you can theoretically play with it to render a complete web page that only offers "web-content" customized online based on the user-behavior. Its more than the Google ad-sense marketing that I trying to suggest here. Its your behavior that makes the web page render to you meaningful updates and/or content from the other side of the humongous internet repository.
There exist two main standards as far as feeds are concerned - RSS and Atom. Various options exist for burning feeds for your website or blog, but one of the most popular ones is FeedBurner, now acquired by Google. And for readers, of course, there are many players in the market, but Google Reader is one good option.
BTW, now you can subscribe to my blog - either use Google Reader (or some other aggregator) on your machine, else subscribe via email. Its simple. Its safe. Every time I post an entry, you will be notified. And if your are a web-publishing entity, its also a good way to ensure regular and guaranteed traffic to your website ;)
BTW, now you can subscribe to my blog - either use Google Reader (or some other aggregator) on your machine, else subscribe via email. Its simple. Its safe. Every time I post an entry, you will be notified. And if your are a web-publishing entity, its also a good way to ensure regular and guaranteed traffic to your website ;)