Sunday, December 20, 2009

Green Number, Climate-Change Conscious Consumerism

Recently, the political leaders meeting at the UN Climate Talks just finalized on the Copenhagen Accord. There is undoubtedly a clear understanding among both the developed and developing nations about the precedence of a global consensus regarding the environmental policies, and strategic negotiations to be adopted in the coming years. Experts argue that the accord is not seemingly as far-fetched, given the gravity of climate change.

The driving force however still focuses on "internationally accepted binding deals" across nations which percolates mostly to the industrial sector and/or the infrastructure within a country. A widely implemented model is called the Emission Allowance Trading (e.g. in EU) applicable to carbon (Carbon Trading), which allows companies (e.g., steel plants, power plants and cement makers) to freely trade carbon points much like the financial trade market. It follows a cap-and-trade model whereby the government of the participating countries set a threshold on the allowed emissions per industry and allow selling/buying of carbon credits between them via trading. Facts indicate that the carbon trading market is expected to grow fast and just as inherent with trading, with rather unaffordable flaws/risks [download and listen to the BizDaily telecast here].

However, the awareness about climate-change and the urgency of action must be shaped appropriately to actualize environment-friendly policies at not only international levels, but also at state and local levels down till the granularity of the surviving citizens on this planet. I especially like the way some countries (and enterprises) are opting for a more moral and ethical choice by promoting greener technologies without imposing on the others.

Schemes to tap "Climate-Change Conscious Consumerism" can be effective at the grass-root level. In the era of globalization, the cultivated global citizens, who are the end-consumers, can also make immense contribution by making simple choices ensuring sustainable human-development, and living a greener life by adopting a Climate-Change Conscious Consumerism. The choices that can be clubbed into the latter are beyond reducing the usage of utilities and conserving energy.

For example, a model could be derived upon whereby every commercial entity has an objective way to calculate how "green" it is - lets call it the Green Number. The bottom-line is to let the consumer decide on the trade-offs between green and costly product (there may not exist a trade-off btw : just as a costly product is not necessary green, a greener product may not be expensive). What I am hinting at is basically a more pervaded and aggressive form of, say, Energy-Labelling that is already in place in the EU. The green number should be seen on all packaged food items of a particular brand - much like the nutrition breakdown. It should be available for all commercial entities ranging from shops, supermarkets, restaurants to insurance companies, banks, and internet hosted services. The underlying principle is much like a democracy, which unlike the capitalist ways of tackling the climate-change via carbon trading like models, lays more emphasis on the "choice" by people.

The business aspect of implementing a Green Number model fits gracefully by itself - An enterprise needs to be more green in order to have more costumers and hence, just like carbon trading ensures financial incentives for greener enterprises. However, the emphasis is actually on "being greener" - which I argue is the direct and explicit approach towards acting now for climate-change (rather than carbon-trading which in a way defers and may not provide the desired outcomes). As a parallel process, trade duties and tax systems could also be revisited to allow easy operation and usage of greener businesses.

Climate-Change Conscious Consumerism based models can be additionally bootstrapped apart from other international and state level efforts, and with sufficient awareness and education among the citizens can potentially lead to fabulous outcomes. Recent research has suggested that as more and more people are becoming aware of the climate change hazards, they are also ready to contribute their bit - provided its easy. More models like the Green Number model around "Climate-Change Conscious Consumerism" may allow a fairer and more effective solution to the problem at hand.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dream a Dream

I recently read APJ Abdul Kalam's Ignited Minds. It had been lying since a long time on the "Wishlist" of my bookshelf. After reading the book, I was overpowered by deep respect for Kalam, for his commitment and vision for the nation as a whole. The book has lot of words of wisdom embedded all along.

I scribbled few lines inspired by APJ Kalam's Ignited Minds and my die-hard admiration for children. I believe children have more healing powers than any divine saint, their touch is more miraculous than of God Himself, and their love the most selfless and unconditional.

Photo courtesy - Animesh. I sincerely adore the expression on the face of this kid !

With smiles from your heart, and with touch so pure
Embrace this world and heal with your love.
Dream of just a world-full of amity and empathy,
And mold that dream into reality.

Transcend the superficial divisions,
Dream of a white dove with an olive branch,
And fly with the dove on the road to peace.
Dream of freedom and responsible liberty,
And sing that dream into reality.

Where the cord of equality and intellectual knowledge,
Are the drive band,
Dream of that rolling wheel of progress and positive change,
And steer that dream into reality.

Nothing is impossible.
Believe in self, and listen to your heart
Then just wish upon the brightest star,
Bunch all your wishes into sweet little dreams,
And liven all those dreams into reality.

Remember all dreams can come true;
There are no walls, and there are no hurdles.
There is just this world, and you are the mastermind.
Dream of a better world for all life,
And pilot all those dreams into reality.
'Ignite your minds and dream big'.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sunset At Ibiza

Like a rainbow of infinite bands
The shades in the sky so beautifully unite.
I stand awestruck at the shore
As the twilight repaints all the creations at its free will.

Lively orange with a golden yellow,
Blend in to mellow
All life for one last time in the day.
And then the furious red with a mysterious blue,
Concording to perfection into a placid purple hue.

Hiding behind the clouds
The bright star was coquettish at times
All so playful before the final submerge.
And then it showed up again smiling
Lucidly marking the confluence with a sliver lining;
The confluence of the furious ocean with the horizon

The sturdy star caved in willingly
Into the wide-armed ocean.
Abiding meekly to let Nature have the last word:
Nothing shall last forever,
But sure it will be a new beginning tomorrow.
Only thy deeds and words shall decease but never.